Tag Archives: Thomas Jefferson

The Memorable 4th Of July


The Fourth of July is a joyous day. It gives us a time to reflect on the Land of the free and Home of the brave with the help of friends, family, food (hopefully some sort of smothered meat) and fireworks.

It’s the fireworks, though, that we gravitate towards and the emergency rooms situated around this country are put on high alert because of it. There’s just something about bright, flashing lights and explosions that sit well with all of us, unless, of course, your house or hands are involved.

At some point, however, they will undoubtedly malfunction or be misused, but you can never be certain when or where this shocking turn for the worst will take place. One minute you’re blowing out Texas, the next you’re in the ER trying to explain how you still won the “bottle rocket war” despite having one currently lodged in your left eye socket.

This day also holds great moments, The Declaration of Independence was signed July 4th 1776, the Liberty bell was also cracked, John Adams and Thomas Jefferson both died on July 4th.

There is also another unknown thing to celebrate about July 4th, the death of your financial struggles and your Independence to Financial Freedom. It’s your’s today. I stand with the Benjamin Franklin’s, John Adams and Thomas Jefferson’s of this great Independent state in drafting out your declaration of Independence.

Happy “Financial” Independence.