Tag Archives: Mastermind 9

The Mastermind 2012 comes to a close with a ‘POW’

Jordan Adler opened the day with a presentation on ” Handling No shows, Cancellations, Naysayers and Inconsiderate people”. He brought out two type of people you will come to meet in this profession, the skeptic and the cynic. The skeptic has only questions but they are good people, unlike the cynic who is like poison and their goal is to make you look like a jerk. We were shown how to correctly handle them. People will only follow you when you look like you know where you are going to, and only YOU can create your success.

Orrin and Laurie Woodward were next on the platform with a brilliant presentation of Building numbers through depth and relationships. A house is built on nothing less than a solid foundation so also is your business. I also learnt the keys to success, such as a business mindset, have work ethics, a solid work principle and much more.

Orjan Saele, brought out beautifully perfect timing and what we can do to achieve perfect timing. Perfect timing, a consequence of results, is due to massive action and this leads to success. If you want to be enthusiastic, start acting enthusiastic.

The Host and moderator of this great event, Art Jonak, gave a beautiful closing presentation on Crossing the Line. He brought more meaning to the slogan for the event, Dream, Struggle, Victory and Revolution. The struggle which is now is what gives us a chance to believe in our level of dreams and it also makes us stronger. When you achieve your victory then we are to help others achieve victory,then and only then can we have a revolution. He ended with every one given a balloon and he made everyone write out their fears, memorize them and with each fear remembered, blow them into the balloon and keep blowing till your balloon of fears burst. It was an amazing sight to behold, to see people finally burst their balloons and celebrate.

Just to know that your fears have been burst, the only thing remaining is confidence and self assurance that you will overcome the struggle and achieve your victory.

Mastermind 8 was a blast, Mastermind 9, WATCH OUT!!!