Tag Archives: Entrepreneurs

Building Value vs Building Wealth

albert-einstein-success-value-largeI attended a webinar recently, which was hosted by Tim Erway, CEO of Magnetic Sponsoring and something he said there stuck very much with me. It was a quote from the greatest scientist and man ever lived, Albert Einstein.
Try not to be a man of success but rather a man of value

I thought how true this quote is…

What separates real solid entrepreneurs from the rest of the pack is not their ability to solve problems or make big money but it is their ability to find innovative ways to make meaning. They are the ones that add value to their clients, customers or users by not descending down to mediocrity.

What do Mark Zuckerburg, Pete Cashmore and Jake Nickell have in common? They are young, wealthy and have all added great value to millions of people’s lives. Zuckerburg’s facebook social hub with over 350 million people to connect with each other and share.  Pete Cashmere’s vision was to give people the greatest and latest in web 2.0 and social media news.  He succeeded and now his site, Mashable, is the leading source for everything social media and is pulling in millions. Jake Nickell was an artist/programmer that wanted to give artists an opportunity to showcase their art and gain recognition. That idea turned into Threadless.com. A crowd sourcing website that allows T-shirt designers to have their work voted on and bought by the Threadless community. Jake has changed the lives of thousands of designers while making millions out of his passion. Basically it pays to build value.

What do you think?

Create your Own Vision

Entrepreneurs come from every conceivable background: every ethnic group, economic class, education level, and physical ability; almost every age group, and both genders. Some come from generations of business owners, while others are the first in their families to ever consider starting their own business. Among the ranks of those who call themselves entrepreneurs are inventors, programmers, and artists, while others excel at building teams, selling, or devising marketing plans. It is difficult to come up with a description of what a “common” entrepreneur looks like or acts like, or to pinpoint the necessary skills or experience one must have. In fact, there is an endless list of differences among entrepreneurs, but there is one thing all entrepreneurs have in common: Vision.

Why is vision a universal entrepreneurial trait? It is because the purest definition of an entrepreneur is: “Someone who starts a business with a great deal of initiative and potential risk.” These individuals’ willingness (and desire) to take that initiative and assume that risk sets them apart from everyone else in the world.

Every entrepreneur has experienced this feeling. Sometimes it’s a spark that springs to life while brainstorming with a business associate; other times it’s a surge of inspiration while in the shower, or that ah-ha moment that wakes you from a sound sleep. It’s the first glimpse into the very essence of possibility—and the feeling is indescribable. Some people have even called it spiritual. The feeling takes hold the moment you sense that you’re onto something amazing, and ignites when you realize it could be something huge. That realization—that picture in your mind of future possibilities—is what vision is all about.  Though an initial spark is an essential ingredient, there is much more to being a successful entrepreneur than having and maintaining that vision. The unfortunate reality is that there are plenty of people who have the “big vision moment” but who never become entrepreneurs—because they don’t have the passion needed to sustain this vision long enough to take action. There are also people who get started but who lack perseverance, and therefore falter when obstacles arise.

Turning your initial vision into a viable business has everything to do with your level of passion and ability to keep moving forward, even in the face of challenges. Without passion, it is easy to become discouraged from pursuing your plans by other priorities and self-doubt when difficulties arise. Your mind-set ultimately dictates your actions, so operating with one that is anything less than dedicated unwaveringly to your future as a business owner will cause you to struggle to take the actions necessary for your success.

Every entrepreneur in the world comes up against challenges in his or her business. No matter how carefully you plan; no matter how great you are at what you do; and no matter how hard you try to make sure everything always goes smoothly, unexpected trials will test your vision. The many successful entrepreneurs I have known from a variety of industry sectors, backgrounds, and areas of the world have almost all credited their perseverance as the most significant element of their success. They claim that their ability to maintain their vision and a positive mind-set in the face of adversity has been the X factor that has made all the difference in their eventual achievement or failure. Their vision was big enough to carry them through the hard times, so it overshadowed any doubt that crept in along the way. In fact, these kinds of challenges are exactly what cause many entrepreneurs to thrive.

Good business leaders create a vision, articulate the vision, passionately own the vision, and relentlessly drive it to completion — Jack Welch


Your Growth starts NOW

I am sure many of us can say that we have heard our grandparents, parents, uncles, aunts, say times without number that things were not always this way. In days past, it was much harder to eat 3 square meals a day, they had to walk down muddy lanes and bare streets to even get a bucket of water for domestic chores, they had to walk without shoes to school, they had to be on the farms day and night just to make a living. But doesn’t it look like the state of the economy now is worse than in their time? Things look more hopeless now than before.
To be honestly frank with you, there will always be a bad economy, and it will only get worse but how we react to the action of the economy is what defines us. In Physics, there is a law that says “for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction”. It is this equal and opposite reaction that balances out the action. It is this reaction that successful entrepreneurs and businessmen have cultivated and mastered its art, thus the reason for their success in this bad economy.
To Grow and encounter real Change in our economy, we have got to master the art of a positive reaction to every negative action that this failed economy throws at us. To fix this problem, you require a toolbox , a set of tips and strategies that will equip you to face this failed economy.
This is your long awaited opportunity to get out of debt and financial slaughter and reap a golden harvest that you were created to reap.

Gave their all and still alive in our memory…

Fallen, but not forgotten, they were the heroes who stood so tall.
And forever we will remember with honor and glory, they gave their all

A tribute to the victims of the September 11 victims who stood courageously against terrorists that had seized their plane. It seemed like there was no hope in sight but they stood firm and knew that it may cost their lives and still pressed on.
Other heroes worked tirelessly to help those in need and offer as much humane help as they could. Their labors are also not in vain.
President Obama in his speech today to commemorate the 11th anniversary of September 11 said, “But no matter how many years pass, no matter how many times we come together on this hallowed ground, know this: That you will never be alone, your loved ones will never be forgotten. They will endure in the hearts of our nation because through their sacrifice they helped us make the America we are today, an America that has emerged even stronger.”
As Entrepreneurs, it is wise to know that the ‘Law of giving’ is the ultimate law. Entrepreneurs that succeed are go-givers, not go-getters. We have to learn how to give, wherever we are, under any circumstance. That’s the greatest law of value that an Entrepreneur learns.