Be Thankful on Thanksgiving…

It’s Thanksgiving once again.

Giving thanks to God for Life, Job, Health, Home, Family, Peace and much more

We all have something to be thankful for.

Thanksgiving, a holiday to celebrate the arrival of the French settlers to the New Land now called Canada in 1578 and the English settlers to the New Land now called The United States of America in 1621..

The 1621 Plymouth feast and thanksgiving was prompted by a good harvest and in later years, religious thanksgiving services were declared by civil leaders. Pilgrims and Puritans who began emigrating from England in the 1620s and 1630s carried the tradition of Days of Fasting and Days of Thanksgiving with them to New England. Several days of Thanksgiving were held in early New England history that have been identified as the “First Thanksgiving”, including Pilgrim holidays in Plymouth in 1621 and 1623, and a Puritan holiday in Boston in 1631.

It’s not just the celebration of a festive period, as we know it to be but its an outward expression of an inner feeling of gratitude.

So wishing you all my friends  a blessed thanksgiving Day and God bless.

2 responses to “Be Thankful on Thanksgiving…

  1. thank you Paul 🙂 Interesting to hear the roots of Thanksgiving as we know it – because it’s not something we celebrate here in the UK. Although I feel like I do with all my lovely USA friends.
    I’m sure you had much fun amongst the gratitude and turkey!
    We have much to be thankful for 🙂

  2. Paul, I hope you and yours had a wonderful Thanksgiving. I know I enjoyed my time with my husband. It is wonderful to know that people came together to have the “first thanksgiving” and that tradition still holds strong today.

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